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Are Dental Implants As Good as Real Teeth?

Dental implants can replace a single tooth as well as an entire arch of teeth with the help of a denture prosthesis. Implants have quickly become the go-to alternative for many other procedures and it is why so many patients have benefited from them. Dental implants are easy to place and take just a few months to fully heal and bond with surrounding bone. They can last for up to 30 years before needing replacement or repair.

Understanding How Implants Work

Implants rely on a bodily process known as osseointegration. This simply means that the surrounding bone will naturally fuse with the implant’s post over the course of three to six months. Osseointegration keeps the implant in place, giving it a secure and firm hold in the mouth and providing a stable abutment for crowns, bridge work and even dentures. The surgery itself is easy and straightforward, with most patients being good candidates for the procedure. If there isn’t enough bone in the area that will be receiving the implant, you may need a bone graft.

Are They As Good As Real Teeth?

Dental implants are securely placed deep into the bone of the jaw and given several months to bond fully with the bone. This allows the implant to act like the natural roots of your teeth, securely fitted deep into the jaw and providing an abutment for any type of restoration to be placed on top. The restoration, whether it’s a crown, bridge or denture, will all be made to fit your mouth perfectly. They look and feel like real teeth so that oral functioning is restored and you can enjoy a full, beautiful smile. Because implants don’t compromise surrounding teeth like a fixed bridge would, they can blend seamlessly into the rest of your smile and look completely natural. They are just as good as real teeth but without all of the problems that may come with natural teeth, like cavities and the need for fillings and root canals.

How to Maintain Your Implants

After you’ve had implants placed, you will need to come in regularly to ensure they’re healing properly and bonding with the surrounding bone. Once the actual procedure has been completed successfully, you should still make time to come in for your regular bi-annual appointments. These appointments enable us to check the implants for any signs of damage so that treatment can be provided immediately. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy while wearing implants helps to extend their lifespan.

Looking for a Dental Implant Provider Near You?

Having dental implants as a tooth replacement option is a great idea for many people. When you are interested in getting dental implants, you should call us to learn more about them and to schedule an appointment. When you call us, our friendly team can also schedule an appointment with you to meet with Dr. Dhanani, our dentist in Lake Jackson, TX. When you come in to meet with our team, you can find out if implants are right for you.

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