How Can I Remove Coffee Stains From My Teeth?

Remove Coffee Stains

Coffee is a popular beverage, and many enjoy that cup or two in the morning each day. The downside to coffee is that it can cause staining on your teeth. There are treatments patients can do at home, or in our office to remove those annoying coffee stains. At Smile Square, we offer many cosmetic dental services, and one of our most popular is teeth whitening treatment.

If you are tired of looking at yellow or stained teeth from coffee, then Smile Square is here to help. Our team provides a detailed consultation process to evaluate your teeth and mouth, and create a customized treatment that will work for you. We will discuss all of your teeth whitening options, and give you tips and tricks on how to keep your teeth white at home.

Why Does Coffee Stain Our Teeth?

Coffee contains tannins, and this helps give coffee that deep flavor and brown color. Our teeth are filled with many little pores, and the tannins tend to stick to our teeth when we drink coffee. Plaque attracts the tannins and those can easily be cleaned away. Stains on the enamel of your teeth will need to be treated with a tooth whitening procedure.

How Can Teeth Whitening Help?

Teeth whitening procedures can be done in our office or in the comfort of your own home. Our treatments use a high-quality gel to whiten your teeth safely, and remove coffee stains. The peroxides in the gel are able to reach through the enamel and bleach the stain away. Teeth whitening can restore your smile, and give you bright white teeth in just a few treatments. Let our team help you transform your teeth and restore your confidence. To find out more about our in-office or at-home whitening services, we encourage you to schedule a cosmetic consultation.

What Can I Do at Home To Prevent Coffee Stains?

  • Drink your coffee through a straw to avoid direct contact with your teeth.
  • Use a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash.
  • Rinse your mouth out or brush your teeth after drinking coffee.
  • Avoid charcoal toothpaste as this can damage your enamel.

Interested in Whitening Your Teeth?

If you are interested in finding out more about our teeth whitening services, contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to help you.

Is Tooth Sensitivity Permanently Curable?

tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem, and many patients encounter pain or discomfort when they eat certain foods that are hot or cold. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, around 40 million adults suffer from sensitivity. Usually, the pain is temporary and can be treated to improve, but not cure the condition.

At Smile Square, we provide many general dentistry services including treatment for patients that suffer from sensitivity. We strive to provide quality dental care in a caring and friendly environment, where patients can relax during their treatment. We welcome new patients to our practice, and look forward to you joining our dental family.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can happen suddenly, and to anyone. Typically, symptoms of sensitivity include a sudden sharp pain when your teeth are exposed to cold, hot, or acidic foods. Tooth sensitivity can also come after you brush or floss your teeth. Teeth whitening can cause sensitivity after treatment, so patients should consider this when they are deciding to start a whitening regimen.

Our teeth are protected by enamel, and underneath the enamel is a layer of dentin. Dentin is soft, and if the enamel on your teeth is worn down, or your gums have receded the dentin can become exposed. Dentin can be exposed from cavities or cracks in your teeth. The dentin is connected to the nerve area, and this is what can cause pain or sensitive teeth.

Other Actions That Can Cause Sensitivity

  • Brushing too vigorously
  • Gum recession from periodontal disease
  • Gingivitis
  • Teeth grinding or clenching
  • Cracked or injured teeth
  • Plaque
  • Acidic foods or drinks
  • Dental procedures such as sensitivity after a filling
  • Teeth Whitening treatments

What Treatments Are Available for Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can never completely go away, but there are treatments available that can help alleviate the sensitivity you experience. If you are experiencing any sensitivity, we recommend you make an appointment for an exam in our office. We can treat sensitivity easier if we know that is what is causing you pain. Never leave pain untreated as this could lead to more serious issues in the future.

Sensitivity Treatments

  • Using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
  • Changing to a soft bristled tooth brush.
  • Use a mouthwash that contains fluoride.
  • Avoid acidic foods or drinks.
  • Avoid clenching or grinding your teeth.
  • Inlays or bonding can help fix a tooth and decrease sensitivity.
  • Gum grafts can help protect the root area of the tooth.
  • Fluoride gel or varnish treatment can help protect your teeth from wear and tear.
  • Root Canal therapy if needed can help with severe tooth sensitivity, but this is typically the last resort.

Taking care of your teeth and knowing when to call your dentist is important. Patients should never have prolonged pain or sensitivity to hot or cold. It is always important to take care of your oral health, and practice good habits at home. At Smile Square, your oral health is our priority, and we strive to provide our patients with quality and affordable dental services. Let our team help you take charge of your dental health.

Ready To Schedule Your Appointment?

If you are interested in finding out more about treatments for tooth sensitivity, contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

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