How to Get Rid of Swollen Gums?

swollen gums

Our gums are sensitive, and if we do not practice good oral hygiene habits, they can become inflamed, painful, or infected. Gums are important and help to hold our teeth in place and protect our tooth roots. If gums are not taken care of, bacteria can spread and cause gum disease or other health problems. If you are experiencing swollen or tender gums, we encourage you to contact our office. Gum problems should be addressed promptly to avoid infection or other serious complications.

Why Are My Gums Swollen?

Swollen gums are a response after damage or an injury. If bacteria enter the gums this causes the gums to swell, and try and protect your body from the harmful bacteria. Swollen gums can be caused by your diet, dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, or dental appliances that may irritate the area. Symptoms of problems with your gums include bleeding, receding gums, pain, or swelling. If you experience any of these symptoms you must be seen right away to help stop the deterioration of your gums, and avoid infection.

What Can I Do at Home To Help Treat Swollen Gums?

There are many home remedies to help treat swollen or inflamed gums. Rinsing with salt water, tea tree oil, or aloe vera as a mouthwash can help to fight inflammation and heal your gums. Other home remedies include eating foods high in Vitamin D, using a warm or cold compress, or placing black tea bags on the inflamed area.

Home remedies are never a cure for swollen gums, but these remedies can help treat the problem. Anyone with swollen gums should always seek medical advice. The combination of medical treatment and home remedies can get you feeling better quickly. Treating swollen gums or gum disease takes time, and this depends on the severity of the inflammation or infection. Oral hygiene habits at home are extremely important in battling swollen gums and gum disease.

What Professional Treatments Are Available?

There are professional treatments for swollen gums, and depending on the severity of the inflammation will determine which treatment is best. If you have mild to moderate gum inflammation this can be treated with a thorough cleaning and improved oral hygiene habits at home. For severe cases, we offer treatments such as root planing and scaling, laser treatment, or pocket reduction surgery. These treatments can clean and remove the bacteria and tartar from underneath the gums, and repair gums from recession. If you have an infection or abscess our team can help determine the location of the infection, and provide you with antibiotics to help clear up the infection.

Continue to practice good habits at home with brushing and flossing to help heal your gums faster. Drink plenty of water, and get a proper amount of sleep to help your body fight off any bacteria. Avoid foods and drinks high in sugar, and follow a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise daily.

Interested in Finding Out More About Treatment for Swollen Gums?

If you have swollen gums and are in need of treatment, please contact Smile Square. Our doctors have helped many patients treat swollen gums, and seeking professional help can avoid serious complications. We create a welcoming and calm environment and always provide the highest level of care.

Take that first step towards healthy gums, by calling Smile Square today to schedule your appointment.

Why Should I Get a Dental Bridge?

dental bridge

Dental bridges help to bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth. Bridges have one or more crowns or implants on either side of the gap and false teeth in-between them. If you have a gap caused by a missing tooth and that gap is embarrassing, a bridge may be right for you. Bridges are typically made from porcelain material, and this looks natural and blends in with your other teeth.

There are many different types of bridges available.  Depending on how many teeth are missing, and if you have natural teeth on both sides will help decide what type of bridge is recommended.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridge

A traditional bridge is a type of bridge with two anchoring crowns on either side of the replacement tooth. This is the most popular type of bridge, and is used when the gap has natural teeth on both sides.

Cantilever Bridge

A cantilever bridge is used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth. This type of bridge is not used as much anymore, and it not as common as the other options. Cantilever bridges tend to put too much pressure on other teeth and this can cause damage.

Maryland Bonded Bridge

This type of bridge has metal or porcelain wings, and these are bonded to the existing teeth. Maryland bridges are made out of porcelain or porcelain fused to metal.

Implant Supported Bridge

This type of bridge is similar to the traditional dental bridge, but is supported by a dental implant. The implant is inserted into the jaw and the bridge is attached above the gum line. This type of bridge has an advantage over the other types and helps to prevent bone loss. Implant supported bridges are the most stable compared to other bridge options. Surgery is required to insert the implant and does take longer.

What Are the Advantages With Dental Bridges?

  • A dental bridge offers an effective solution for tooth replacement. Bridges are aesthetically pleasing and help restore mouth function.
  • Helps to maintain structure in the mouth and hold teeth in place to reduce shifting and bite issues.
  • Helps to reduce bone loss and maintains facial structure.
  • Is comfortable in the mouth and feels like a natural tooth.
  • Does not require removal for cleaning. Bridges should be cleaned just like natural teeth with brushing and flossing daily.

Looking To Find Out More?

If you are interested in finding out if a bridge is right for you, scheduling a consultation in our office is the first step. Dental bridges are affordable and a reliable solution for missing teeth. Let us help you get that perfect smile!

To schedule your consultation please contact our office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

How Much Radiation is in a Dental X-ray?

radiation in dental x ray

Dental x-rays are commonly used when you visit your dentist. Many patients wonder if dental x-rays are safe and if they should worry about radiation exposure. Expressing concerns about your health and safety is normal, and the good news is that dental x-rays are extremely safe. You may notice your hygienist covers you with protective equipment and leaves the room during the x-ray. This is to avoid repeated exposure because hygienists perform x-rays daily as part of their cleaning and exam routines. The protective equipment placed on the patient helps to further protect your body and organs that are more sensitive to radiation exposure.

Every day we are exposed to levels of radiation naturally in the environment, and dental x-rays only make up a small fraction of the average daily dose of radiation each day. Patients do not need to worry about exposure, as the amount is so low there is nothing to be concerned about.

Are Dental X-Ray’s Safe?

Dental x-rays do not require much radiation to produce images. With the new technology used today x-rays use 90% less radiation exposure and are safe for patients. Diagnostic imaging gives our team the ability to see inside your teeth and this allows the detection of decay, bone loss, or oral cancer. X-rays can help prevent future issues by diagnosing and treating anything we see promptly.

Benefits of Dental X-Ray’s

  • Detect decay, fillings, gum disease, and oral cancer.
  • Detect changes in soft or hard tissues.
  • Show jawbone development
  • Detect bone loss

Interested in Learning More About How Dental X-rays Can Benefit You?

If you are interested in learning how dental x-rays can benefit you, or you are due for your regular dental exam and cleaning, contact Smile Square. We provide the highest level of service and use the latest technology and equipment. Let our team help you care for your smile, and prevent unnecessary visits to the dentist. Our doctors have years of experience and love to help patients care for their teeth and gums. Oral health is extremely important and is directly linked to our overall health. Attending your regular dental visits can help to detect issues and keep your smile looking and feeling great.

To schedule an appointment with us contact Smile Square, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

dental bonding

Dental bonding can help to restore your smile and repair many cosmetic issues that bother you. Dental bonding is quick, durable, and can be less expensive compared to other cosmetic options. Dental bonding is a great solution for patients that want to change the length of a tooth, fix a chipped tooth, or close gaps between teeth. The procedure can be completed in one appointment and no anesthesia is required. Dental bonding does last, and the lifespan for dental bonding is between 5-10 years. The composite material can wear down over time depending on the wear and tear on the tooth.

How Does the Dental Bonding Process Work?

Dental bonding typically only requires one visit to our office and does not require any tooth enamel to be removed. During the bonding process, we gently etch your tooth using a mild acid solution. This helps to make the surface of the tooth rough and allows the composite material to properly bond to the tooth. The bonding is a tooth-colored material and this is applied to the area. Ultraviolet light is used to help cure the bonding. Once the bonding material is cured the tooth is polished and shaped to match the surrounding teeth. On average, bonding treatment can take between 30-60 minutes, and this depends on the severity of the correction, and the number of teeth needing treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bonding?

  • Dental bonding is affordable compared to other cosmetic treatments.
  • Treatment is less invasive with no local anesthesia.
  • Can be done in one appointment.
  • Can repair chipped, cracked, or uneven teeth.
  • Can close gaps between teeth.
  • Changes the shape of your teeth and provides a uniform smile.
  • Is an alternative to amalgam fillings.
  • Is tooth-colored material and blends in with your natural teeth.

Interested in Finding Out More About Dental Bonding?

If you are interested in learning more about dental bonding and how this treatment may benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. At Smile Square, we strive to provide quality dental care our patients can trust. We provide a calm environment where patients can relax during their dental treatment. Patients are treated like family, and we always ensure you have a positive experience. Let our dental team help you achieve the smile of your dreams with our dental bonding treatment.

To schedule your appointment contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

What Treatments Are Included In a Smile Makeover?

smile makeover

Are you looking to correct or enhance your smile with a smile makeover? If you are ready to have that perfect smile of your dreams, then a smile makeover may be right for you. Smile makeovers combine multiple cosmetic services that fit your needs to create the perfect smile. Our doctors have years of experience in creating beautiful smiles, and love to help patients restore their confidence with a smile they can be proud of.

Smile makeovers begin with a consultation to access and discuss what your smile goals are. Our doctors will develop a customized treatment plan using a combination of cosmetic services to build your smile. The severity or the correction will determine the length of your treatment plan. Multiple appointments may be required if extensive treatment is needed. Our team will work above and beyond to ensure you have the very best experience during your smile makeover.

What Treatments Are Used With a Smile Makeover?

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental bonding
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Orthodontics

These treatments are commonly used during our smile makeover process to create that perfect smile for each patient. Once your customized treatment plan is created, we will discuss what is required so patients understand exactly what is needed. Our high-end technology allows our team to provide digital images to show patients what their smile will look like before we start treatment. This gives our team the ability to show patients the benefits of our smile makeover process, and the end result.

Interested in Finding Out More About Smile Makeovers?

If you are ready to restore your smile and find out more information about how a smile makeover can benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. We provide quality care patients can trust in a welcoming and relaxing environment. Come experience the difference in dental care, and let our team help you get that smile you have always wanted. Our doctors are skilled at what they do, and creating beautiful smiles is their passion.

To schedule an appointment with us contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

dental veneers

Veneers help patients who have discoloration from dental procedures or stains from food and drugs restore their teeth. Veneers can also help those that have chipped, broken, or uneven teeth. Veneers create an even smile, close gaps between teeth, and look natural.

Veneers are similar to shells that cover the surface of teeth. They are made out of a porcelain material and are highly durable. Veneers are stain resistant, and can last between 10-15 years. Once you have your veneers placed it is important to take good care of your teeth. Veneers can become damaged just like any other tooth. Following a good oral hygiene routine at home, and taking good care of your teeth is important to help lengthen the life of your veneers. If you are looking for a long-lasting permanent solution to help restore your smile, veneers can help.

How To Care for My Veneers?

There are things you can do to help take good care of your veneers and lengthen their life. Never bite down on any hard objects or food with your veneers. If you suffer from bruxism or clench your teeth, we recommend wearing a mouthguard to prevent damage to your veneers. Stay away from biting your nails as this also damage your veneers.

Veneers are extremely durable and are a great solution for patients seeking that perfect smile. They can last for years if they are taken care of properly. Always brush and floss your teeth daily to keep your veneers looking and feeling great. We recommend visiting our office twice a year for your exam and cleaning. Our doctors can make sure your teeth are healthy, and your veneers are in good condition.

Interested in Finding Out More About Dental Veneers?

If you are interested in finding out how dental veneers may benefit you, contact Smile Square. Our doctors have years of experience in restoring smiles, and love to help patients achieve that smile they have always wanted. Let our team help you restore your confidence, and give you a smile that looks natural, and is long lasting.

To schedule your appointment with us, contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign Each Day?

invisalign duration

Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces, and eliminates the need for brackets and wires. The Invisalign system uses clear aligner trays to gently move your teeth into place over time. This treatment is discrete and are the trays are comfortable when worn.

When you decide to move forward with Invisalign we take photos as well as detailed impressions of your teeth, and create a customized treatment that works best for you. The Invisalign trays can be easily removed for eating, drinking, and cleaning. This treatment is popular for both adults and teens, and treatment time is similar to traditional braces.

How Long Are Invisalign Trays Worn?

When you choose Invisalign you must be committed to wearing your trays for the required amount of time each day. The Invisalign aligners come with a blue indicator to tell you that you have worn your tray for the required amount of time. Invisalign trays are typically worn between 20-22 hours per day, and this varies per patient. Treatment time on average is between 6-18 months, and the length of treatment time depends on the severity of the correction.

Invisalign is a popular treatment choice for many patients, and provides exceptional results. Patients are required to attend regular exams in our office to ensure your treatment is progressing in the right direction. Our team works with you to ensure your treatment plan goes smoothly. Our team is available to answer questions you have during treatment, and if you ever have a problem with your aligner trays, we recommend calling our office.

Creating beautiful straight smiles is what we do, and we enjoy helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams. Let Smile Square help you start a treatment plan towards straighter teeth with our Invisalign treatment.

Interested in Finding Out More About Invisalign?

If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. Our doctors have years of experience in orthodontics, and will complete a thorough exam of your teeth. A customized treatment plan will be created that works for you. Your oral health is our priority, and we want to make your experience with us the very best!

To schedule an appointment, contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!

How Long Do Crowns Last?

crown durability

Crowns are used to restore or save a damaged tooth. They are similar to a cap that is placed over the tooth, and give patients the ability to use their tooth again. Crowns are highly durable, look natural, and can help restore the strength of a damaged tooth. A crown is cemented onto the damaged tooth, and is a common restoration process done in our office.

Crowns can last between 5-15 years, and this depends on the individual, and the wear and tear of the crown. It is important to follow good oral hygiene habits to keep your crown healthy, and avoid the need for replacement. In some cases, if patients take good care of their crowns, they can last between 25-30 years.

When Are Crowns Used?

Crowns are used after a root canal treatment to restore a tooth. Crowns can also help restore a tooth that is stained, misshapen, discolored or broken. If a patient has had an injury, or has a cracked tooth, crowns can help save the tooth, and restore the tooth back to its normal function.

What Can I Do To Help Lengthen the Life of My Crown?

We recommend patients avoid biting down on hard objects or foods. If you clench your teeth while you sleep, or suffer from bruxism, you may need a mouthguard to help protect your crown. Attending your regular exams and cleanings in our office is important. This helps our team ensure your teeth and crowns are healthy and in good condition.

If you notice you have a chip or crack, or are experiencing any prolonged pain with your crown, we recommend calling our office right away. These issues must be addressed immediately, and patients should not hesitate to contact our office.

Interested in Finding Out More About Dental Crowns?

If you are interested in finding out if dental crowns are right for you, contact Smile Square. Our doctors are skilled in restoring smiles, and help patients achieve the smile of their dreams. Let our team help you take care of your smile, and restore your confidence.

To schedule your appointment, contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Is Dental Bonding Permanent?

dental bonding

If you have decided to restore your smile dental bonding is a great option. Bonding is not permanent, and can be reversed if necessary. Bonding is very durable, and if you have any wear or tear it can be repaired easily. This treatment can take care of cosmetic issues, is quick, and less expensive compared to other options. Dental bonding is great for repairing decayed, chipped, or fractured teeth. Bonding can even correct discolored teeth, and looks natural.

The composite material used can be shaped to match your natural teeth. Other benefits include changing the length of a tooth, or closing spaces between teeth. The procedure can typically be done in one day, and no anesthesia is needed. Dental bonding can last between 5-10 years before the composite material begins to wear down.

How Does the Dental Bonding Process Work?

Dental bonding does not require any removal of your tooth enamel. During the process your tooth is gently etched using a mild acid solution to help roughen the surface. This allows the composite material to bond to your tooth easily. The tooth-colored resin material is applied to the area, and is then cured with an ultraviolet light. Your tooth is shaped and polished to match your natural teeth. This process takes between 30-60 minutes.

Does Dental Bonding Last?

Dental bonding requires the patients to take care of the area that was bonded. The composite material used is very durable, but is never as strong as your natural teeth. With dental bonding there is risk of the bonding material separating from the tooth. Dental bonding can also chip or break. This is unlikely, but we do recommend patients do take care of the area that was bonded to avoid any complications. The good news is that dental bonding can be repaired. Dental bonding can last between 5-10 years or longer if taken care of properly.

Interested in Finding Out More About Dental Bonding?

If you are ready to find out more about how dental bonding may benefit you, contact Smile Square. Our doctors have years of experience in cosmetic dentistry, and love to help patients achieve that smile they have always wanted.

To schedule your appointment with us, contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Can a Dry Mouth Cause Cavities?

dry mouth

Dry mouth is also known as xerostomia, and this happens when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva in the mouth. In some cases, dry mouth is temporary, and can be caused by dehydration. In other cases, dry mouth is a chronic problem, and many struggle with this issue. Dry mouth can be caused by medical conditions such as diabetes, or can be caused by an infected salivary gland.

When we do not have enough saliva production this can cause oral health issues. Saliva plays an important role in our oral health, and helps to protect our teeth and gums from acids or erosion. The saliva washes away bacteria or food, and keeps our teeth and mouth healthy.

What Issues Can Dry Mouth Cause?

Dry mouth can cause many issues including gum disease, tooth decay, staining, and erosion of enamel. When bacteria are not washed away, and plaque and tartar collect, this can cause gum disease, and in turn this increases the risk of tooth decay and cavities. If not treated gum disease can cause tooth deterioration, or even tooth loss.

When your saliva production is low the bacteria and acids stay on your teeth longer, and this can lead to tooth decay or enamel erosion. If the acid and plaque levels are high, your teeth can become discolored or stained. It is always important to attend your regular dental exams and cleaning appointments to ensure your teeth and mouth are healthy, and do not have any decay.

How Can I Treat Dry Mouth?

The good news is there are ways to treat dry mouth and restore the health of your teeth and gums. Depending on the level of damage will determine what treatment is required. Restoration options include fillings, crowns, or gum treatments.

Tips To Prevent Dry Mouth

  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water
  • Use an over-the-counter saliva treatment or substitute
  • Use a humidifier while sleeping to increase moisture in the air
  • Chew sugar-free gum to help saliva production
  • Stay on top of your oral health routine, and brush and floss daily to prevent plaque and bacteria buildup

Ready To Find Out More?

If you are suffering from dry mouth, and have concerns about your oral health, we encourage you to contact Smile Square. Scheduling a consultation with our team is the first step towards healthy teeth and gums. Our doctors will perform a thorough exam, and provide treatment recommendations that work for you. Dry mouth can lead to serious issues, and should always be addressed right away.

To schedule your appointment, please contact Smile Square, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

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