How to Get Rid of Swollen Gums?

swollen gums

Our gums are sensitive, and if we do not practice good oral hygiene habits, they can become inflamed, painful, or infected. Gums are important and help to hold our teeth in place and protect our tooth roots. If gums are not taken care of, bacteria can spread and cause gum disease or other health problems. If you are experiencing swollen or tender gums, we encourage you to contact our office. Gum problems should be addressed promptly to avoid infection or other serious complications.

Why Are My Gums Swollen?

Swollen gums are a response after damage or an injury. If bacteria enter the gums this causes the gums to swell, and try and protect your body from the harmful bacteria. Swollen gums can be caused by your diet, dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, or dental appliances that may irritate the area. Symptoms of problems with your gums include bleeding, receding gums, pain, or swelling. If you experience any of these symptoms you must be seen right away to help stop the deterioration of your gums, and avoid infection.

What Can I Do at Home To Help Treat Swollen Gums?

There are many home remedies to help treat swollen or inflamed gums. Rinsing with salt water, tea tree oil, or aloe vera as a mouthwash can help to fight inflammation and heal your gums. Other home remedies include eating foods high in Vitamin D, using a warm or cold compress, or placing black tea bags on the inflamed area.

Home remedies are never a cure for swollen gums, but these remedies can help treat the problem. Anyone with swollen gums should always seek medical advice. The combination of medical treatment and home remedies can get you feeling better quickly. Treating swollen gums or gum disease takes time, and this depends on the severity of the inflammation or infection. Oral hygiene habits at home are extremely important in battling swollen gums and gum disease.

What Professional Treatments Are Available?

There are professional treatments for swollen gums, and depending on the severity of the inflammation will determine which treatment is best. If you have mild to moderate gum inflammation this can be treated with a thorough cleaning and improved oral hygiene habits at home. For severe cases, we offer treatments such as root planing and scaling, laser treatment, or pocket reduction surgery. These treatments can clean and remove the bacteria and tartar from underneath the gums, and repair gums from recession. If you have an infection or abscess our team can help determine the location of the infection, and provide you with antibiotics to help clear up the infection.

Continue to practice good habits at home with brushing and flossing to help heal your gums faster. Drink plenty of water, and get a proper amount of sleep to help your body fight off any bacteria. Avoid foods and drinks high in sugar, and follow a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise daily.

Interested in Finding Out More About Treatment for Swollen Gums?

If you have swollen gums and are in need of treatment, please contact Smile Square. Our doctors have helped many patients treat swollen gums, and seeking professional help can avoid serious complications. We create a welcoming and calm environment and always provide the highest level of care.

Take that first step towards healthy gums, by calling Smile Square today to schedule your appointment.

Why Should I Get a Dental Bridge?

dental bridge

Dental bridges help to bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth. Bridges have one or more crowns or implants on either side of the gap and false teeth in-between them. If you have a gap caused by a missing tooth and that gap is embarrassing, a bridge may be right for you. Bridges are typically made from porcelain material, and this looks natural and blends in with your other teeth.

There are many different types of bridges available.  Depending on how many teeth are missing, and if you have natural teeth on both sides will help decide what type of bridge is recommended.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridge

A traditional bridge is a type of bridge with two anchoring crowns on either side of the replacement tooth. This is the most popular type of bridge, and is used when the gap has natural teeth on both sides.

Cantilever Bridge

A cantilever bridge is used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth. This type of bridge is not used as much anymore, and it not as common as the other options. Cantilever bridges tend to put too much pressure on other teeth and this can cause damage.

Maryland Bonded Bridge

This type of bridge has metal or porcelain wings, and these are bonded to the existing teeth. Maryland bridges are made out of porcelain or porcelain fused to metal.

Implant Supported Bridge

This type of bridge is similar to the traditional dental bridge, but is supported by a dental implant. The implant is inserted into the jaw and the bridge is attached above the gum line. This type of bridge has an advantage over the other types and helps to prevent bone loss. Implant supported bridges are the most stable compared to other bridge options. Surgery is required to insert the implant and does take longer.

What Are the Advantages With Dental Bridges?

  • A dental bridge offers an effective solution for tooth replacement. Bridges are aesthetically pleasing and help restore mouth function.
  • Helps to maintain structure in the mouth and hold teeth in place to reduce shifting and bite issues.
  • Helps to reduce bone loss and maintains facial structure.
  • Is comfortable in the mouth and feels like a natural tooth.
  • Does not require removal for cleaning. Bridges should be cleaned just like natural teeth with brushing and flossing daily.

Looking To Find Out More?

If you are interested in finding out if a bridge is right for you, scheduling a consultation in our office is the first step. Dental bridges are affordable and a reliable solution for missing teeth. Let us help you get that perfect smile!

To schedule your consultation please contact our office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

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